
If you’d rather listen to these insights, see episode 119 of The Powerful Content Podcast.

In the online world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost amid the to-dos, decisions, and logistics that demand your attention. But imagine, just for a moment, that your business is a delicate piece of architecture, each component intricately designed and vital to the structure’s strength. Kelsey Silver, the Neurospicy CEO believes that systems are just like the old-world craftsmanship of chainmail and that they should interlock seamlessly, offering robust protection and efficiency. 

From personal experience, Kelsey knows that when business systems are structured in a way that’s tailored to you, then they are much easier to implement and maintain. She advises you to start slow, something is better than nothing and mimic what you already know and do.


No 1. Start slow: One link at a time

Picture this: you’re crafting a piece of chainmail (the linked suit that goes under your armour). You wouldn’t attempt to forge an entire suit of armour in one go, would you? Similarly, when it comes to integrating systems into your business, starting slow and methodical can set the groundwork for future success. 

Protect Your Vital Bits First 

Think about the most critical parts of your business. What are the tasks that, if left unchecked, could cause the entire operation to falter? Is it customer onboarding for your new course? Or managing inquiries and bookings for your service-based business? Start with these “vital bits” and create simple, robust processes to manage them. 

For instance, begin with an onboarding email for your new clients. Template it. Automate it if you’re ready. This first link, though minute, forms the beginning of a chainmail that will eventually protect your business from chaos and oversight.


No 2. Something is better than nothing

We all know that perfectionism is a creativity killer. The notion that if something can’t be done perfectly, it shouldn’t be done at all is crazy and we know it, but it doesn’t stop it from happening! But here’s an alternative mindset: starting with something, no matter how flimsy it may seem, is always better than holding out for perfection. 

From flimsy to robust 

Let’s say your initial system is like chainmail made from aluminum—light and perhaps not as durable as you’d like. It may not be perfect, but it offers more protection than nothing at all. Over time, as you learn and iterate, you’ll forge stronger, more resilient systems suited perfectly to your needs. 

Take incremental steps. Perhaps you start by manually tracking client onboarding in a spreadsheet. It’s not a sophisticated CRM system, but it works. As you grow, you can layer on more complex systems and software. The goal is not about having the most advanced tech from day one but building a foundation that gets stronger with each layer.


No 3. Mimic what you already do

When considering where to start with implementing systems, look at what you’re already doing naturally. If you’re accustomed to jotting down notes in a planner, start by organizing these notes into simple standard operating procedures (SOPs). 

**Living and breathing systems 

Your systems should evolve with you. Imagine them as living documents, capable of expanding and adapting to your business’s changing needs. By recording what you’re already doing—whether it’s through Loom videos, written notes, or voice memos—you start creating a blueprint that reflects how you operate best. 

One tool that’s incredibly effective is creating multiple versions of SOPs or guides to match your varying energy levels. Whether you’re at peak efficiency or running on empty, having a detailed step-by-step guide for low-energy days ensures that critical tasks are executed seamlessly, maintaining consistency and quality in your business operations. 


A final thought from Kelsey 

Let me share a quick story. When I created my first SOP, it was nothing more than a list of brand colours and some common icons I liked to use. It felt rudimentary, like stitching together strings instead of metal links. But you know what? That simple act saved me countless hours of decision-making down the road. It created a tiny protective layer that made my business operations smoother and more consistent. 

Starting slow, aiming for progress over perfection, and mimicking what you already do—these steps can transform the way you approach your business systems. And remember, it’s not just about the systems themselves, but how they serve you and your unique journey. 

Begin with the smallest link, embrace imperfection, and let your systems evolve as the living, breathing entities they are. Each step forward is a victory, each iteration a testament to your resilience and adaptability. 


Where to find Kelsey Silver 

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