How to find more time in the day

How to find more time in the day

1,440. That’s the number of minutes in a day. When you look at 24 hours in this way, it seems like a lot of time for us to fill. But take away about 8 hours of sleep and already you’re down to 960 minutes. Take out an hour for getting ready, an hour for travelling to...
10 blog post ideas

10 blog post ideas

One of my friends recently commented on the abundance of my writing. ‘Don’t you ever run out of things to write about?’ The answer is no! There is always something to write about. Whether it’s a new service, a twist on an old topic or an...
Word of the year

Word of the year

An interesting question was posed recently in one of the many Facebook groups I frequent. It took me by surprise, and made me really stop and think about my answer. I even spent ten minutes googling words, their meanings and synonyms. The question was ‘what is...
The year in review

The year in review

With Christmas behind us and the New Year only a few days away, most people are focused on pushing you to articulate goals, make them SMART, purchase beautiful planners and enrol in goal planning workshops. I’m going to encourage you to do something a little...

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