
If you’d rather listen to these insights, see episode 125 of The Powerful Content Podcast 


Have you ever really thought about the connection between the content you’re creating and the sales you make? It’s a common misconception that chasing engagement on social media equates to business success. Instead of micro-tactic focus, view your content creation as a means to make more sales through taking your ideal client on a journey. 


The Distinction: Engagement vs. Conversion 

Content built for engagement often gets likes, shares, and comments. However, does it necessarily translate into sales? Not always. On the other hand, content crafted with conversion in mind is simply aimed at selling. 

This leaves a void in between the two extremes where your ideal client needs to take further mini-steps to feel comfortable with purchasing from you. This shift can significantly reduce time spent on creating ineffective content. 

But what does this look like in practice? The key lies in integrating all your content touchpoints into a cohesive journey. Think of each piece of content as a stepping stone that moves your audience closer to becoming clients. Let’s explore how to make this happen. 


Creating a holistic client journey 

A holistic client journey respects each stage of your audience’s interaction with your brand, from initial awareness to making a purchase. This journey is about aligning your heart, mind, and soul with your content strategy. Here’s how: 


Know your strengths 

First, identify your strengths and use them to your advantage. If you love creating in-depth articles but hate speaking, focus on writing. Align your content creation with what feels easy for you. 


Focus on the human behind the engagement 

When you focus on the human behind your content marketing, rather than just the transactional numbers, you experience both personal and business growth. Personal growth comes from forming genuine relationships, sharing stories, and building a community. Business growth follows through increased sales and ease in creating content that feels right for you. 


Bring more ‘you’ to your content 

Integrate your strengths, values, and core beliefs into your content. This makes it easier to connect with your ideal client and send a clear, authentic message. Powerful content is all about being genuine and purposeful. 


Understanding the stages of the client journey 

Consider the client journey as a pathway guiding your audience through these five stages: 

  1. Connect: This is the awareness phase where your audience encounters your brand for the first time. Use social media, blogs, podcasts, or videos to introduce who you are and what you stand for. Think of it as the ‘getting to know you’ phase. 


  1. Subscribe: Here, your audience signs up for your lead magnet or participates in your masterclass or webinar. This phase deepens their connection with you. You can promote your lead magnet through social media or email campaigns. 


  1. Nurture: Your subscribers now seek to learn more about you and your services. Offer valuable content through regular emails, deeper blog posts, social media interactions, or webinars. This is your opportunity to provide value and build trust. 


  1. Convert: At this stage, your aim is to help your audience make an informed decision to buy from you. Use testimonials, case studies, free trials, and clear landing pages to facilitate this. 


  1. Onboard: Once they become clients, ensure they feel good about their decision. Use automated emails and smooth onboarding processes to create a positive experience. 


Tying it All Together 

A holistic content approach isn’t about isolated content pieces. It’s about how all your content works together to guide your audience along their journey. For example, when launching a new product, use various platforms like your podcast, social media, emails, and masterclasses to create a cohesive narrative around the product. This method ensures that every piece of content supports your audience at different stages of their journey. 


Consistent, theme-based content 

During non-launch periods, choose a monthly theme and use it to create content that addresses all parts of the client journey. This makes it easier for your audience to understand and follow your content, no matter their stage in the journey. 

By aligning your content efforts through these strategies, you not only create a seamless experience for your audience but also foster genuine connections that lead to lasting business growth. 

When you view your content strategy as a holistic journey rather than isolated tactics, you’ll find that your efforts become more meaningful and effective. Remember, it’s not just about creating engaging content but about moving your audience through a well-crafted journey that ends in genuine, loyal clients. Embrace a holistic approach to content marketing and watch your business grow authentically and sustainably. 

If you’d like help to become more consistent and purposeful with your content in line with your strengths, then join The Content Effect. This membership is for big-hearted entrepreneurs to learn how to create content that gets them noticed and remembered. Join here or add your name to the waitlist if doors aren’t currently open. 

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